Music: Main Theme from Marble Blast Ultra
tip: CTRL+SHIFT+R if things look off.
"Well, I think I added some fun stuff to my website! Hey how long has it been since the last blo- 2 WEEKS?!"
Yeah sorry about that. I certainly do not help the stereotype of old net users never updating their blog. my b
AAAANYHOW, have you guys ever heard of Cloning Clyde?
It's an old game, released in 2006 for the XBOX 360. It's a 2D puzzle platformer featuring a bunch of clones of this guy named Clyde, each level has you cloning him a bunch and bringing them all to the end, there's different transformations, etc etc
It isn't all that special, to be honest. the graphics are... dated, to say the least, there's pretty much NO music, and the puzzles can get to be a little repetitive.
the graphics in question.
Still though! The game is fun in its own little way. Clyde is pretty expressive, laughing at the demise of other clones or practicing his karate "skills" when in combat. Also when you hit the use button when there's nothing around he'll just go "idk" or "duuuuh" which is really funny. infact all of his voicelines are really funny at least to me
Maybe that's just the nostalgia talking though. I played the free trial of the game over and over with my brother's 360 when I was a wee lad, getting the absolute MOST out of it that I could. There were only like 3 levels available, but did I care? No! I was just a dumb ol kid, you see.
That wasn't the only free trial I replayed a bunch, though. Stuff like Minecraft, Castle Crashers, Battleblock Theater, and Marble Blast Ultra. About that last one...
If you've played Marble It Up, you've played Marble Blast Ultra. It's even the same team and everything, according to Marble It Up's website.
MBU, though, was released also on the XBOX 360 in... 2006 as well! It's basically a bunch of time trial courses where you control a marble, w different powerups to use.
the marble in question.
It's also pretty fun, and the soundtrack is neat! Apparently there was also a multiplayer mode where you race to collect gems, and there exist emotes that say really outdated late 2000s stuff like "Y U No Gimme Gem?!" it's actually pretty charming.
My major motive for talking about it is because it was taken off the XBOX 360 store at some point (before it went defunct, to be clear), and since it was really only ON the 360, it became REALLY hard to have a copy of it. Thankfully, though, a group of people have ported the game over to the PC, and have made it open source! The project is called OpenMBU, and you can check it out here. Again, I have a lot of nostalgia for this game, so being able to revisit it is a godsend. The magic isn't quite the same, being older, but that's just how life works I guess. While I'm on the subject, Cloning Clyde IS also on Steam for literally 5 dollars, so...
The rose-tinted glasses are strong with these titles, mostly because of their distinct styles. Cloning Clyde is, again, dated, yet charming, and Marble Blast Ultra really gives me those classic Frutiger Aero vibes. CC ain't a looker, but it doesn't have to be. MBU's atmosphere is cool (the temperature kind, but I mean, that too) and calming. They're nice!
yeah, not too much point to this one. I just wanted to talk about these for a bit. Again, check 'em out!!!